The Coast is Queer 2024

September 16, 2024
coast is queer

The Coast is Queer 2024 – 10-13 October

The Coast is Queer is back for 2024, featuring a range of wonderful writers, speakers and queer thinkers. 

The Coast is Queer is a literature festival like no other – recognising and owning distinct queer culture, celebrating the creativity and diversity of LGBTQ+ writers, and holding space for the community to be together in solidarity – in turbulent times and in joyful moments.

Radical Hope that goes beyond optimism and rational explanation, hope that helps us imagine an equitable, peaceful future, is at the heart of this festival and is embedded in the books and stories that will be shared at the festival.

Painstakingly practicing their craft and sending their queer books into the world – out, proud and unafraid – LQBTQ+ writers are quietly committing to acts of Radical Hope every day. And we love them for it.

So please, join them (and us!) in October at the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts for moments of radical connection, thoughtful activism, and beautiful stories.



theatre stage

Survey for Playwrights

Are you a playwright based in the south east? New Writing South, the literary development agency in the south east, is surveying regional playwrights to gain a greater understanding of the challenges writers face and the support that’s needed.

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