New Writing South can offer poets a professional, honest and detailed critical report on their work. Readers will identify strengths and suggest areas for development, both of specific poems and of the work as a whole. In addition you may be offered suggestions for reading and be signposted towards what to do and where to go with your work.
The service is open to poets at all stages of development.
How long does it take?
Reports usually take four to six weeks.
What does it cost?
Please let us know how many poems you are submitting so that we can provide you with a quote.
How to submit your work
Poems should be double spaced on A4 with no more than 40 lines a page as a Word Doc or a pdf
In the same document attach an accompanying letter telling us a little about yourself, indicating where you are with your work and detailing any specific issues you would like the reader to address.
Please send your submissions to hello@newwritingsouth.com
You will receive payment instructions once your submission has been received. If you do wish to contact us with any queries we are available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have at any stage.
Writers normally only get one shot at attracting the attention of a company or producer, so it’s essential that your script is as good as it can possibly be.
Our competitive script reading service provides an opportunity to get professional and objective feedback on your script prior to sending it out into the world.
Your script will be read by a professional independent reader most of whom also read for companies such as Paines Plough, Royal Court, Channel 4, UK Film Council and Arvon amongst others.
Reports are broken down to cover every element of the script, through presentation, story, structure, dialogue, characterisation, tone, genre and marketability – and will advise you on the potential next step forward for your script.
How long does it take?
Reports usually take between four and six weeks
What does it cost?
Scripts for stage & radio:
Up to 70 pages: £55
70 -109 pages: £75
110 -150 pages: £100
Scripts for film & TV:
Up to 70 pages: £60
70 -109 pages: £80
110 -150 pages: £105
If your script is longer than 150 pages please contact hello@newwritingsouth.com for a quote.
All scripts for stage, radio and television are eligible; screen, short film scripts and animation scripts by prior arrangement.
Submitted scripts must be finished but you may submit a first draft for feedback.
How to submit your script
Please send your submissions to hello@newwritingsouth.com
You will receive payment instructions once your submission has been received.

Free Reads is a free manuscript assessment scheme for talented writers on low incomes. It is specifically for writers who would have difficulty meeting the standard TLC cost and who would benefit from professional assessment.
The Literary Consultancy (TLC) holds a strong track record of helping writers get into print. They offer one of the UK’s leading manuscript assessment services providing expert, market-aware editorial advice to authors at all levels.
New Writing South works with TLC by offering a small number of Arts Council-funded Free Reads for talented, low income authors in the south east. The south east region covers: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and West Sussex.
If you would like to apply for a free read please firstly read the guidelines on the TLC website to check whether you are eligible. You can find the entry criteria here. Free reads are open to writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry or plays.
Before contacting New Writing South please read more about what to expect from TLC’s Manuscript Assessment.
Apply to free reads
Applications for 2021 through New Writing South are now open until Friday 7 January 2022.
To apply, please complete the TLC Free Reads Application form and then complete New Writing South’s application and monitoring form here.
Please do not upload your manuscript or proof of eligibility at this stage. We will ask you to send this to us separately. If you have any questions about the application process please email hello@newwritingsouth.com