The Coast is Queer 2024
The Coast is Queer is back, the UK’s biggest and brightest LQBTQ+ Litetature Festival. 10-13 October.

New Writing South is recruiting a new Communications Manager
We are looking to recruit a new permanent-part time role, 3 days a week. Application deadline: 6 October

Hastings Book Festival – NWS Sussex prize short story and poetry winners announced
We’re delighted to announce the winners of the New Writing South sponsored Sussex short story Prize and Poetry Prize as part of Hastings Book Festival. The calibre of writing

Survey for Playwrights
Are you a playwright based in the south east? New Writing South, the literary development agency in the south east, is surveying regional playwrights to gain a greater understanding of the challenges writers face and the support that’s needed.

Akila Richards – on the importance of rest for creativity and writing
This blog features guest writer Akila Richards, who is leading THE REST EXPERIENCE as part of our July 2024 well-being events for writers, Draw Breath.

Announcing our new programme: First Tuesday Writers
We’re delighted to launch First Tuesday Writers – a new series of online workshops for writers of all kinds to keep your writing fresh. Taking