Farewell Guest Artistic Director Dean Atta

August 1, 2018
Poet Dean Atta at the final session of The Writers' Place Poets 2018

Poet Dean Atta’s time as Guest Artistic Director at New Writing South has come to an end as he leaves to write his second book.

We had high hopes for this new role in 2017 as New Writing South embarked on a new era of being more inclusive, open and writer-focused. We could not have hoped for a more committed, generous or welcoming person in the role than Dean.

Over the last 18 months, Dean has brought a new energy and dynamism to our programme. He has established The Writers’ Place Poets, and our meet up groups for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and LGBTQ+ writers.  He has also welcomed a raft of wonderful artists to share their words and wisdom.

We will shortly be recruiting a new Programme Manager to take over the work begun by Dean, to build on his legacy and to encourage more people to experience and value the art of creative writing. I take 2 times 5 mg Valium daily for obsessive thoughts, agitation and restlessness, and paranoia and it helps very well. It calms pleasantly, reliably dissolves fears and one can concentrate better because one is less distracted. It is as good as it gets, in my experience better than Zopiclion, and I buy it at https://www.mbhci.org/valium/.

Please look out for details of both this vacancy, and also a forthcoming General Manager role. Do let us know if you are interested in applying for either role.

In the meantime, we wish Dean every success with his new novel, and look forward to welcoming him back in next spring to lead The Writers’ Place Poets in 2019.


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Survey for Playwrights

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