Are you an under-represented writer? Would you like to explore new approaches to writing in a safe, supportive and fun environment?
Join author Laura Wilkinson for a series of six inspiring workshops, designed to get you writing and sharing new work. Linked to the Creative Future Writing Awards 2019 competition, our first session will examine personal objects as a springboard for stories and poems. Subsequent sessions will be created for the specific needs of the group. Suitable for beginners and more established writers who identify as under-represented.

Sessions: 2 – 4pm on the following dates at The Writers’ Place, 9 Jew Street, Brighton, BN1 1UT book now
Wednesday 6th March 2019
Wednesday 20th March 2019
Wednesday 3rd April 2019
Wednesday 17th April 2019
Wednesday 1st May 2019
Wednesday 15th May 2019
Tutor: Liverpool born, Laura spent formative years across the border in Wales. She’s published six novels (two under a pseudonym) and many short stories, some of which have made the shortlists of major competitions. Her novel, Public Battles, Private Wars, was a National Museum of Wales book of the month; Redemption Song was a Kindle top twenty. Her latest novel is Skin Deep: ‘A superb read.’ Northern Soul magazine. Public Battles is to be republished in March as Crossing the Line.
Alongside writing, she works as an editor and mentor, and runs workshops on the art of fiction.
Read more about Laura at Twitter Facebook Instagram
Help with travel costs is available. Please contact for details.