Short sessions to get you where you want to be
1 – 1 Writers’ Surgeries are a one-off mentoring session with one of our experienced mentors, all of whom are published authors – including novelists, playwrights and screenwriters, short story writers and poets. These sessions offer a safe, yet challenging space for you to look at an extract of your writing and make real progress.
1 – 1 Writers’ Surgeries differ from manuscript reads as they involve a meeting with a mentor who can support your work beyond the page – helping with questions you may have about how to progress your creative career, how to manage your work, advice on submissions, and more
“Rosie was brilliant - she put her finger on several issues that needed correcting that I hadn't articulated to myself”
Feedback from a recent 1–1 Writers’ Surgery
When you apply, we’ll ask you to fill out a short survey designed to help us understand what stage you’re at with your writing, and what help you would most benefit from. This will help us match you with the mentor best placed to hep you.
As well as this you can submit a short sample of your writing to be read by your mentor (usually 2000 – 5000 words.)
After their review you’ll receive an annotated copy of your writing extract together with their suggestions and feedback. You’ll then have the opportunity to meet with the mentor on Zoom, for a 1-1 session (up to 90 minutes) where you can follow up on any questions or comments you may have.
You can tailor your session to your needs
If you have a chapter draft, poetry or short story that you want expert feedback on, we will help match you with a mentor who is best placed to offer insightful feedback.
If you are already a significant way into your writing project, a 1-1 Writers’ Surgery is also an effective way of exploring whether you would benefit from undertaking a longer mentoring programme (3 – 9 months) with New Writing South.
For writers who have completed a project and are ready to approach agents and publishers, we can offer a dedicated 1 – 1 Writers’ Surgery focusing on an excerpt of your work, your synopsis and cover letter.
Your session with your mentor will last up to 90 minutes and will usually take place on Zoom. Shortly after the session your mentor will forward any information promised during your session and you will be asked to complete a short evaluation of the process.
The 1-1 Writers’ Surgery is £150.
Contact us by e-mail to enquire or to book your session using the form below: