You’ve written some poetry, perhaps you’ve sent a few poems out into the world, but what’s the next stage? Are you needing some fresh motivation? How do you uncover possible topics? Are you curious about potentially deepening your work, or making it more true to you? How might you explore form and language? And how do you work at editing drafts to make your poems the best they can be? This free self-paced course, written by a practising poet, will provide ideas and inspiration to encourage you to plough your own poetic furrow.
Who is this course for?
This course is suitable for all levels
How does this course work?
This course is an online self-paced course, meaning there is no live teaching element, and the course materials can be accessed whenever and however you choose.
Once you’ve enrolled, you will be given immediate access to the course materials and can begin immediately. The course is organised into weekly modules with short introductory videos, but you can do the course faster or slower depending on what best suits you.
About the tutor
This self-paced course is written by practising poet Charlotte Gann

Charlotte Gann studied English at UCL, then worked for years as an editor in London. She has an MA in Creative Writing and Personal Development from the University of Sussex, and her poetry pamphlet The Long Woman (Pighog) was shortlisted for the 2012 Michael Marks Award. She has two full collections – Noir (2016) and The Girl Who Cried (2020) – published by HappenStance. Charlotte co-edits the poetry pamphlet reviews site Sphinx; and has recently started an initiative called The Understory Conversation – an online hub for like-minded creatives.
Course header image: Unsplash